The Italian Baseball Softball Federation with reference to the provisions of art. 2 bis paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree 33/13 & by art. 23 of CONI Statute, regarding the transparency obligations envisaged for public administrations, as well as in compliance with the Guidelines issued by CONI on 10.9.2018, which limit the fulfilment of publication to those activities carried out within the individual National Sports Federations expressly indicated from art. 23 paragraph 1) of the CONI Statute, has created a specific page on its institutional website called Transparent federation within which the Italian Baseball Softball Federation will periodically publish & make known to users the data & documents relating to their specific areas of activity & institutional purposes for those activities included in the linked Articles:
- A. Affiliation of clubs, sports associations & individual members & their revocation
- B. Control of the smooth running of professional sports competitions & leagues & activities related to Olympic preparation & high level
- C. Activities related to Olympic preparation & high level
- D. Use of public grants
- E. Prevention & repression of doping
- F. Training of technicians
- G. Use & management of public sports facilities
- H. Controls & findings on administration
- I. Other contents
- L. Calls for tenders & contracts